3 Quotes & Sayings By Apsley Cherrygarrard

Apsley Cherry-Garrard was born in May 1884, on the family farm on the shores of Lake Victoria in Uganda. He had a strong interest in zoology at an early age and would spend hours observing animals. At the age of 11, he was sent to boarding school in England where he excelled in English literature, geography, and biology. He went on to make a name for himself in the world of science by writing numerous articles for learned journals on his subject of choice—zoology Read more

Between 1908 and 1911, while working on his doctorate, he travelled through East Africa collecting animals for the British Museum and made lifelong friendships with people like Harry Johnston and Dr. T. H.

Huxley (Darwin's grandson). In 1911 he finally returned to England and started up a career as an author and lecturer.

Take it all in all, I do not believe anybody on Earth has it worse than an Emperor penguin. Apsley CherryGarrard
And if the worst, or best, happens, and Death comes for you in the snow, he comes disguised as Sleep, and you greet him rather as a welcome friend than a gruesome foe. Apsley CherryGarrard